Monsoon’s 5 Tips For A Happy Fall Season


Tip #1: Work on spiffying up the house for some proper Fall cleaning.  Better yet, get someone else to do it for you…












Tip #2: Never lose your sense of curiousity.  Explore new places, even if they are close to home.  Even if they are your home!










Tip # 3: Drink lots of hot beverages. 












Tip #4: Snuggle in a warm blanket.












Tip #5: And finally, cuddle up with someone who loves you.

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8 thoughts on “Monsoon’s 5 Tips For A Happy Fall Season

  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed them!

  2. She's my little cutie patootie. 😉

  3. This post just made me all warm and fuzzy. Monsoon is precious! If everyone would listen to her and Vin, the world would be a much better place!