16 thoughts on “To Any Who Are Curious…

  1. Wow, those lashes look great! I am officially jealous of your lashes! 😦 🙂
    Good for you girl, you deserve it!

  2. Where’s *your* photo? They look pretty natural don’t they. Isn’t it funny that one line in one of your posts has garnered so much fascination from us? 🙂

    • Hi Emjay. My camera has been on the blink so that is why there isn’t one of me instead. The lashes do look just like the girl’s in the picture.

      LOL. When we have beauty secrets we just have to share. 😉

  3. Wow! How nice! Was it very pricey? (no details, of course, if you don’t care to reveal!)
    I’m a side sleeper, and I often wake up with my lashes on the left side all bent over!

    • Thanks! It wasn’t too bad price-wise I thought. Its definetly more than I would usually spend at a salon but this was a treat to myself. I did a bit of cost comparison between salons before deciding. I found this salon online.

      I’m also a side sleeper and so far so good. I do find that I have to separate them a bit in the morning. Last night though I did rub my eye. Big mistake! I think three lashes came out. I’ll have to remember not to do that again.

  4. OOoooooooooooooo!!!! I like those! 😀 😀 😀 How do they do that anyway?

    • They only apply them to the top lid and they attach them one at a time to your own lashes. That’s why it takes such a long time to complete. I guess they have a special glue that they use.

  5. Hey that is cool. Was it expensive to have done and how long do they last…and and and lol

    • Thanks. It wasn’t too bad price-wise. I did a lot of searching around before making a decision to have it done. I just avoided some of the ritzier areas. I read that they last up to three months but the salon said I should come in for a touch up at 4-6 weeks. We’ll see who is right… 😉

  6. That is totally awesome (as my girls would say). They are beautiful and look real. Now I want to get some 😀

    • It really is a nice treat. I had told a co-worker that I was going and when I got into work after the weekend she commented that it really brightened up my whole face. Made my day.

  7. elizabethfrank123

    Very cool Jenn 🙂

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