Good Friday

Last night I arrived home to find a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a card waiting from Hubby.  We went out to dinner for sushi, which I love.  Afterwards I dropped Hubby off at home under the pretense that I needed to get gas for my car.  I then drove to the pet store and played with the baby ferrets for a while.  I found it very therapeutic to do so and I had forgotten how much energy the babies really have.  Monsoon was like that too, but turned into a complete cuddle bug in her later years. 

I found a ferret rescue that operates in my state and made a donation this morning.  It felt good to do that and although it wasn’t a lot of money I know it will go towards making life a little easier for one of the babies there and their caregivers. 

Hubby and I haven’t discussed again about getting another ferret.  I did let him know that I wasn’t interested in getting a dog right now where he will be working out-of-town again soon.  House training is just not something I want to even try to do alone.   

Upon cleaning out my car about a month ago I found some old CDs that I used to listen to.  Its like finding 20 bucks in a pocket of an old pair of jeans.  Love that!  Here is what I was listening to 10 years ago:

Artist: Poe

Song: Haunted

One of these days I’m going to figure out how to properly post a video!

20 thoughts on “Good Friday

  1. That is wonderful. I loved working at the shelter because every day there were critters who needed me and they are so dignified and loving even in their tough situation. I’m glad you found solace there – I always did.

  2. What a nice day you had on Friday! My hubby and I went out for an Easter Sunday brunch, complete with a jazz duo. It’s nice to do that sometimes, to get away from the routine and take a break.

    My parents had a cat for a while. When it died they decided not to get another one. Too much trouble, they were getting old and – most important, I think – they were heartbroken when the critter died. They didn’t want to go through that again.

    • That sounds so nice Margy. May I ask where you went? I used to go to a jazz brunch at a restaurant called Bullfinch’s on Rte. 20 in Sudbury. It was the best. Not sure if its there anymore though.

      I can definitely see how hard that must have been on your parents to lose the kitty. The good thing is that the pain of losing the animal will be forgotten in time and all the good times will be remembered.

  3. Awwww … baby weasel therapy is the best! There’s a Petsmart around the corner where I get Vin and Sly’s food, and sometimes they have babies. It is almost impossible for me to leave when they do : ).

  4. “a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a card waiting ”
    so romantic 🙂 what there color ? red?

    • Hi Rima. It was very nice. The card was really romantic too which is surprising because my husband works in construction.
      😉 The flowers were a mix of yellow roses, lilies, daisies and a few others that I don’t know the name of. They were still looking great this morning so I hope they will last for the rest of the week.

  5. You will make completely new memories with a new ferret and learn to love it as much as your loved Weasely. Good luck!

  6. I think playing with the baby ferrets is a good thing – it gives you hope and reminds you of your lost one. They are adorable and though I have never had a ferret in my Noah’s Ark of animals I have shared my life with, a friend of mine lived with a cute one and so I know how sweet and intelligent they are.
    At our favourite shelter, they had 3 white baby ferrets. They had a fabulous run with loads of toys. Two were adopted out before long, but one girl remained and then one day she was gone to a new home, finally, which was recently. I was very glad.
    Your donation does help – I donate regularly to 3 shelters. Never a lot of money, but every thing helps. £10 donated by 10 people is £100. I love that one of the shelters (the one that rescued all the NZ white buns in January) lets you chose which animals you will help.

    • I’m so glad those babies found a good home! They are wonderful pets. I’m still working on hubby and handling him with kid gloves when trying to convince him that we need another one.

      This morning I received a nice message from the lady at the rescue where I made the donation. It sounds like every little bit does help with something. I’ll probably continue to make donations to them.

  7. OMGoodness I’ve never seen a baby ferret. I bet they are the cutest things on the planet. I used to go to Quartzite every February for the big gem show, and it seemed like there was always a dude with two or three of them in a big leather messenger bag.

    • They are adorable! They sort of look like kittens in a way. They have that baby fuzz, too. I actually have some jewelry from the show you mention. How neat that the guy brought his ferrets. They love hanging out in bags, too.

  8. It must have been fun to play with the baby ferrets.

  9. Oh Good Gracious. I missed all the sad news about Monsoon, the ferret, not you. I know how awful that loss can be. THinking of you. and Hope your birthday was also peaceful.

    Big Hugs to you!

  10. I am not sure if there is something up with the new ‘share’ codes from YouTube.
    Normally it would be ‘Add video’ – ‘From URL’ – paste code – ‘Insert into post’ – and publish.
    But lately this just isn’t working as smoothly as it used to.
    The last time I tried I fumbled around for quite a while and then it suddenly worked and I could have sworn I did the exact same thing several times without any result.

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